ZSFab Technology
ZSFab technology is the solution to the pain of fusion failure and high renovation
rate. With our proprietary algorithms to provide amazing flexibility in design, finess in
printing, and power-free ensurance in post-processing, our 3D-printed titanium
implants are guaranteed in performance and safety.
About Our Products
ZSFab's product design combines the best features that
enhance bone ingrowth, avoid strength shielding, and present
clear translucent imaging. We pursue perfectness in every
aspect of design, printing and post-processing, thus achieve
superior quality throughout the whole product cycle.
Lattice Demos
ZSFab's proprietary algorithms generate multiple types of lattices. Periodic lattice, stochastic lattice, conformal lattice, gradient
lattice, hybrid lattice, and their combinations are flexibly applied to our products. With our diligency in developing complex
structures, we are able to provide infinite possibilities to create different charateristics of various products.
Demonstration of design with varying pore sizes
A wide-ranged distribution of pore sizes benefits in
accelerating the osteointegration process due to the
diverse requirements of cell attachment, differentiation,
and proliferation.
We can customize porosity, pore sizes and modulus according to patients' bone needs on both periodic and stochastic lattices.
Modulus Customization
Customize the modulus of ZSFab porous Ti materials according to patient's individual need. Avoid stress shielding and subsidence.
ZSFab fusion cage was implanted into sheep cervical intervertebral
space with autograft. After 12 weeks, the cage was retrieved and
sliced. HE staining was used to analyze the osseointegration. It can
be observed that there is new bone formed inside the porous
structure, with compact surface integration.
Through X-ray or CT imaging, the cage can be clearly seen,
with porous structure presenting translucent. The fusion
rate can be assessed through the imaging.
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